Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day Four

Today was amazing, but since it is late and I’m tired I don’t plan to write a whole lot. First we visited a School for Tourism located in Trino, at this school students learn hotel hospitality, how to cook, bar tend (this also includes coffee), and how to do a proper dinner service. After a brief tour of the school the 3rd year students put what they had learned to practice by preparing and serving us a 4 course lunch

Next we stopped by rice fields or paddy’s, this was per my request as I had read about them when researching the area’s we would be visiting.

Then we went to Casale where we saw a 13th century castle, a cathedral, and visited a local cookie shop that has been making the same cookie since 1878

13th Century Castle

The woman is the great great great.... grandaughter of the original owner

After a short break to get some water with our host Sylvia, we finished our day in Vercelli.
I dont have photos from the Guggenheim in Vercelli, but while there we saw original works by Joan Miro, Piet Mondrian and Alexander Calder. One piece of art work in the collection was worth over 50 million euros. We attended a very relaxed Rotary where instead of “presenting” we had the opportunity to sit and tell about ourselves and answer questions the Rotarians had. After the meeting we went to St. Andrew’s Basilica built from 1219-1227, it was breath taking.

The back side

the wood is all inlaid and dates to 1511

The chapel had to be close to the size of a foot ball field

the sacristy, the crucifix dates to the 14th century and was discovered
hidden in athother crucifix from in the 16th century in 1993.

This doesn't even beging to tell the story of our day (I took well over 200 photos just today)  but we began early this morning and it is nearly 2 am, so I'm off to bed.!

First we visited a School for Tourism located in Trino, at this school students learn hotel hospitality, how to cook, bar tend (this also includes coffee), and how to do a proper dinner service. After a brief tour of the school the 3rd year students put what they had learned to practice by preparing and serving us a 4 course lunch.

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