Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sprout One: the beginning

For years my mom has been encouraging me to share my ideas and the things I am passionate about.  I’m a tip junkie and love sharing these hints that I have discovered.    Most of the things I’m interested in can be wrapped up in four words: Temple - based on the biblical concept that your body is a Temple, this area to me includes fitness and food.  Travel – My husband  and I spend a lot of time traveling and on a tight budget.  Talent -  the things that you enjoy doing.  For me this is DIY projects, decorating, party and event planning, and arts and crafts.  Treasure - I teach personal finance. This area includes consumer research and wisely using the resources you have to accomplish your goals.

Back to mom’s encouragement; until recently I was not aware of a way to share my ideas.  I had seen blogs, but they were awesome; why would anyone want to read mine.  I have two friends, one from college and one from high school, who have what I would consider to be amazing blogs.  Although they are an inspiration I could never produce anything that neat (52 projects and Probably Actually).  Both of these amazing ladies have done a recent series of postings on DYI and to-do list projects, Project 25/25 and 52 Projects based on one project each week of the year.  Now both these women are very artistic and creative.  Although I do not have the artistic talent displayed by Laura and Rachel, I was inspired by them.  Each summer I make a huge project list and accomplish about 2 or 3 things on the list.  So about 2 months ago I decided that I should create a blog, but alas it was part of that to-do list that never gets accomplished, so this blog is project 1 of 10, my husband thinks I should call them Sprouts.  My goal is to post 10 accomplished summer project over the next 8 weeks.

Once this series of projects is completed I hope to continue blogging about the areas that I am passionate about.  This is based on a book I recently read by Elizabeth George, where she suggested that every woman has “fat files.”  The idea is that you have areas you have studied and are passionate about that you can use to encourage and assist others in your life.

To Clarify I’m not a gardener, just think Sours Patch is a cute name.

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