One off the neat things about our new house is the georgeous entry, it has rich blue slate/stone flooring, exposed brick, and a doorway to the "second entry" made of reclamed wood! It is amazing, in addition to its beauty, it's the perfect water proof room, the flooring actually flows in from the outdoors. So I wanted- needed an entry table but being the frugal (ok cheap) girl that I am I decided that I was going to build one.
During the move I came across this planter that was amazing and fit perfectly in the space. It had the slight instustrial feel to it that I love and I knew I could make a top that brought in the rustic feeling of the house.
So I set out to make a top,at first I just cut a piece of shelving board to sit on top and yes, it made a table but it wasn't quite the look I was going for. So when my dad was here for Easter I beggged for his help and he obbliged.
We took old boards and cut them the 4 inches wider than the width of the board. |
Then we attached them to the shelving board, my dad is much more percise than I would of been. |
Finished project, we just set the top on the plant stand! |
Perfection! |
And yes the old boards are that amazing all on there own!